Is this service free?
Yup, 100% free. Our service costs nothing to the user. Cool, right?
How does Back to the Burbs work?
Back To The Burbs is a free service that acts as an unbiased consultant introducing you to prospective towns, and top performing realtors working within those communities.
What if I change my mind?
Not a problem, you are bound to nothing by starting this process. We just want to help you find the right place to live. If you don’t want to live there, c’est la vie my friend—come on back if you change your mind!
How do you determine the town that best suits me?
We leverage the experience and knowledge of our people on the ground, real estate agents and professionals with decades of knowledge that an algorithm simply cannot reproduce. When it can, trust us, we will be the first to use it. Until then, we trust our people on the ground!